Solar Rooftop and subsidy for Madhya Pradesh

Solar Rooftop and subsidy for Madhya Pradesh

Getting solar rooftop connections has been considered one of the significant vital steps people take towards a future with minimal fossil fuel dependence for energy.

This encouraged the government of our country to take and create various steps and schemes which have boosted the dependence on solar power as an energy source in our country.

So if the price of solar panels is an obstacle in your way to installing a solar rooftop, then don’t worry because, in this article, we will discuss the subsidy plan regulated by the Madhya Pradesh government 

for its people.


Why one should go for solar panels in Madhya Pradesh

There are many reasons which can prove investing in these solar panels is a worthy investment.

Firstly it’s a great start to get familiar and used to a lifestyle where the major source of energy will emit fewer carbon emissions and will have a source which can be easily used by our future generation as its presence is in abundance.

Secondly, this technology can help you cut out your electricity bills. And if your panels can generate more energy than your consumption, then you can easily get the extra energy back to the grid to get the extra benefits in tax, price and etc.


What is the general price of solar panels and the subsidies which people can enjoy?

As per the regulations of Madhya Pradesh solar rooftop policy, the prices of all solar panels don’t have a single price.

There are various factors that affect the price of these panels, which can start from the brand, efficiency, type, power generation capacity, manufacturer and etc.


Here is a roughly estimated number that can give a rough idea regarding the price for each solar capacity in kw.


  •  Rs. 45,000 to Rs. 70,000 for 1KW. 
  • Rs. 90,000 to Rs. 1,40,000 for 2KW.
  • Rs. 1,35,000 to Rs. 2,10,000 for 3KW.
  • Rs. 1,80,000 to Rs. 2,80,000 for 4KW.
  • Rs. 2,25,000 to Rs. 3,50,000 for 5KW.


For reference and more information regarding the incentives, you can also visit HERE.


And regarding the subsidy schemes, they enjoy subsidies up to 40% as the government of Madhya Pradesh follows as per L1 rates.

If we talk in terms of each KW of energy generated by their panels, then the rate of subsidy can be as follows.

For more than 3KW which can be up to 10KW, the subsidy on the solar panel is 20%

And for less than 3KW, it can be 40% as per the L1 rates.


Madhya Pradesh has three major DISCOM’S in Indore, Bhopal, and Jabalpur.

So as per the state government law, all these three major places have different L1 rates.

The range of subsidies can differ as per the below table.


Solar Capacity                       Indore         Bhopal      Jabalpur

1KW                                    Rs 15,640      Rs 15,295   Rs 15,200

2KW                                   Rs 31,280      Rs 30,590   Rs 30,400

3KW                                   Rs 46,920      Rs 45,886  Rs 45,600

4KW                                   Rs 54,320      Rs 52,221   Rs 51,800

5KW                                   Rs 62,080      Rs 59,682   Rs 59,200


Now we are familiar with the price rate of solar panels, including the subsidy available on them.

Now one just needs to apply for solar panels to get installed on their rooftop.

For this, one can go for the National rooftop Portal, which works for the whole country, where you can get reliable vendors and easily get your setup installed.

Even one can visit their city DISCOM’s website and can get their solar panels installed.



Now we are pretty familiar with the cost price, subsidy rate, and way to get your solar panel installed.

So without delay, get your panel installed as your state and country government is continuously working towards creating and boosting a carbon-free lifestyle which is great for both you and our planet.

So get started towards this great initiative with great deals and outcomes.

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