The cleaning process is done in favor to keep the solar plant life extended keeping in mind that the power output is not compromised. You are provided with three versions of solar panel cleaning services, that are,
Manual cleaning system
Manual Cleaning System – Manual cleaning is the physical removal of all visible soil (gross debris) from the solar panels through water sprinkler system manually. It comes with sprinkler system and supporting components like plumbing etc.
Semi Auto cleaning system
Semi-Automation Cleaning System – The solar plant semi-auto cleaning system all together creates a better cleaning process which is more convenient than the manual system. The customers are provided with a device that the customers can operate while applying a timer for when to start and stop the cleaning of the solar plant, they are responsible to set the timings by themselves. The customers can understand its working by going through the manual and steps.
Fully auto cleaning system
Fully – Automation Cleaning System -This is a complete automation system to clean the solar panels using an application. Here, the customers are provided with a brush mechanism where a robotic feature subscription programme by which they can control the robot to clean the solar panels automatically. The maintenance cost is included in the subscription plan. The equipment is owned by the company which will be taken after the subscription plan is ended.